Our Story

12 years ago tonight I was quietly sneaking in the side door of my apartment trying not to disturb anyone after my first date with Chad. I couldn’t have imagined my landlady was awaiting my return (had I even told her I was going out with him?) but she tiptoed to the door and asked me to come sit upstairs and tell her all the details, interjecting a few of her own “Bobby, Billy and Becki Billington” thoughts.

Earlier that afternoon my cell phone rang in the computer lab at Marshall DÁvery Hall and a handsome young voice came over the receiver.  “Hey Heidi, it’s Chad. I was wondering, you know if you’re not folding laundry tonight or something, if you’d like to maybe go get something to eat?” My heart was nearly jumping out of my chest as I very calmly said that sounded fine.

Later we jumped in his little Nisan Santra that would hold many more adventures for us, and hit the road for St. John.  Chad had heard about a Thai restaurant there that was pretty good and we wanted to have a chance to get to know each other a bit without eyes watching everywhere.

The bay window was waiting for us with a candle twinkling in it, the night fog left a mystical curtain hanging over the view, classical music played and we were certain the evening was directly penned for us.  We were just kids, pinching ourselves to believe the evening wasn’t merely conjured up in our minds.

You know, 12 years later I wouldn’t say that marriage is always easy.  That first year of marriage had some definite rough spots, and bringing babies into a relationship always adds a good deal of confusion to the pot for awhile, financial stress, major unexpected and traumatic life events; these moments aren’t easy but I wouldn’t change it.  I don’t claim to be an expert in relationships or marriage for that matter, but it can be so good.

To be as transparent as you can be, and sought to be understood.
To witness your every day, the “unmake-uped days” and loved regardless, maybe even more because of them.
To share secrets; both joys and heartaches, fears and laughter, the loudness and the quiet.
To have someone fight to believe the best in you, again and again and again.
To reach across the room with a look and be brought back in; seen.
To sink into an enveloping embrace and be swallowed with assurance.
To have your life witnessed, remembered and even aspired toward…
This day after day,
story after story,
forgiveness after forgiveness,
love after love is powerful.
It’s worth the risk.

We discovered down the road of life that both of us were a little star struck that night.  But we do need those nights along the way to guide us back don’t we? The conversation was endless and strangely open for a first date; I think our souls connected pretty quickly.  And tonight, 12 year later, we did do laundry; loads and loads of folding up the past week, evidence of the fullness of our family; but we did it together and I’m so thankful.


One Comment

  • Chad Billington

    Still remember that first drive to Saint John, ending up at a restaurant that was classier that I expected. Glad you made the journey that night, and still do.