“The Battle of Doorway”

After over 15 years of working in Children’s Ministry, a handful as a teacher in the education system and now with 4 children under 7 of my own I have had the opportunity to work with many different little people and many different Mom’s and Dad’s.  Every year, especially in September  we prepare ourselves for what I call “The Battle of Doorway”.
It is sad to see families struggling, especially at church where parents long for their children to have a positive experience away from them and they themselves are able to have a mental and physical break from the constant demands of parenting to worship their creator and hear Him speak into their life situations. 
There are some obvious reasons why it is harder at church than preschool or school:
1.       Consistency at best  at church is once a week, as opposed to a daily routine
2.       Your child knows you are just downstairs/upstairs or down the hall as opposed to at work/home
3.       Often there are a rotating group of volunteers as opposed to one consistent teacher’s face (this is NOT the case at KONNECT kidz)
Here are 5 tried tested and true ways to ensure your child (and you!) conquer “The Battle of Doorway” quickly.
1.       Consistency.  Make a decision to attend church and Kids Ministry regularly.  “This is what we do on Sunday’s”. You and your child will benefit immensely from this decision and routine!
2.       Talk about how drop off will go. Do NOT decide to take them to Adult service and then bring them to kids church during the sermon, this disrupts routine, shows them the party (worship, music, dancing) is in adult service, disrupts the opportunity for them to engage and develop relationships with their peers, and negates the intentional design of our program to gradually work your child to a place of comfort and engagement. (Did you know your child has intentional worship in kid’s church and he misses out if you don’t bring him until the sermon?).
3.       Arrive a few minutes early.  If you are anxious about arriving late your child will pick up on your anxiousness. Also, if you are late he misses out on the intentional time to gradually connect and is thrown into the middle of something and expected to adjust quickly.
4.       Show confidence! In your child’s Coach/Small Group Leader and that your child will have a great time!-smile. J Your confidence will grow the more you get to know them. Know what goes on in your child’s classroom. Help us help you by being aware of family circumstances, what is your child saying at home about their time at KONNECT Kidz etc.
5.       Say Goodbye at the classroom door, make drop off a quick, matter of fact experience.  We will call you if things aren’t going well, but if you linger you show your child you’re not confident things will go well and that you don’t expect them to stay if they don’t want to.

Partnership is the key for ensuring you are victorious over the “Battle of Doorway”.  Let us be intentional this fall in partnering together to raise our children as followers of Jesus Christ.