
  • I’m looking for her.

    I rounded the cobblestone arch of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland and caught my breath at the sight of St. Giles Cathedral. Surprised by my tears, I whisked them away as I walked up the steps and slipped in…

  • Will You Be My Mentor?

    The words surprised me. Why would she ask ME? Instantly a list of names, amazing, godly, experienced, dynamic, solid, foundational, older women came to mind. Why wouldn’t she ask them? Perhaps I should suggest one of them to her. Immediately…

  • Who Goes?

    Snow crunched beneath her boots as she forged a path across the icy walkway. Nervousness leapt in her heart as she fingered the handle of the bag, sensing the weight of it in her hands. She slipped it on the…

  • How Can I Help?

    “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my…

  • Remember when…

    Remember when we gathered together, hands raised, voices raised, hearts raised? Remember when our mouths spread wide in uncovered smiles, in greetings, in worship?Remember when our pencils itched to scratch and create and dream of new ways to share His…

  • Is that a Threat or a Promise?

    30 plus years later, at the drop of a hat I can still sing so many of the songs I learned as a little girl growing up in the 80’s in Sunday School. Can you see the group of little…

  • The Most Powerful Witness

    We stood in a small circle together for the first time in six and a half months, two feet apart, various coloured masks covering our faces, anxious to serve in our church’s kid’s ministry again. Our space was small, our…

  • Rise Up! It’s Coronation Day!

    I sat on the blue printed picnic blanket in the tree lined park, leaves rimmed golden with Autumn’s breath dancing along with the children giggling and running around me. I laughed at the text message in my hand…my friends were…

  • I Am

    “You are not enough.” The highway stretched long before us as dusk drew nearer.  She didn’t know what she’d said, actually, she didn’t know what I’d heard, and she kept talking. I was talking back but my mind and heart…

  • When Failing Doesn’t Mean You’ve Failed

    We walked through the woods together talking through the details of this difficult day. The moon shone through the trees and it was strangely quiet considering the island was bursting with over 100 little campers and another 50 plus counsellors,…