Girlfriend, are you lonely?

A lone text, “I’m struggling.”
A phone call, “Today is hard.”
A Facebook message, “It’s been a day.”

The quiet teen, behind the screen, scrolling through newsfeeds of activity.
The busy working woman, beige file folders spilling over her desk.
The smiling young mother, children running circles around her while she cooks.
The heartbroken widow, staring at the empty chair beside her.

“I’m so very lonely.”

Loneliness has nothing to do with being alone. Loneliness is the feeling that you’re not seen or understood, loved or valued for who you are. But girlfriend, that’s not true.

You were created for connection.

Created from man’s side. Is this why we feel so secure curled up in the nook under his arm?
Created to house the created. Is this why littles fit so snug in our wombs, our arms, on our hips?
Created to lean in, draw close, link arms, nurture, protect and notice.


Yes, you’re isolated, you might even be physically alone, but girlfriend, you are seen. You are precious, loved and valued, just for who you are. Exactly how you’re different than everyone else, is exactly how you’re right. You are not what you do, or what you achieve, you are so much more than that. You are you and you are the gift the world needs, not a carbon copy something else.

Did you know the God of the universe delights in you? Yup, just you, just your being.

Can you see Him…
caught up in your foolish laughter,
wiping a tear as your heart breaks,
painting sunsets and sunrises just for you?

Girlfriend, are you lonely? Let him whisper your worth to your lonely heart and then do what you were born to do, lean in, draw close, link arms, nurture, protect and notice.

The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

 Photo credit:  Anthony Tran