Heidi Fest Pt 5- The Gift of Friendship
So by now I’m starting to relish this Heidi Fest thing. Taking time to be with people I care about and care about me, do some things I love, get spoiled, how could this be bad? I should do this more often! lol, now we’re on to something! he he…
Chad worked his tail off for me Saturday. I was out in the morning at my community group glas Christmas brunch, coming home only long enough to feed Eliya, and then out most of the afternoon getting my hair done. I certainly know that child care of a 7 month old and 2 year old is work enough, but he was also prepping ingredients for his famous pizza (Jamaican Jerk pizza is the bomb!) and tidying up the house after two crazy weeks running the roads like lunitics! he had his work cut out for him.
I arrived home at 5:30, just moments before our good friends Chris and Céline came over for Jamacian Jerk and BBQ Chicken Pizza, Dark Chocolate Torte and games night.
We truly enjoyed Chad’s amazing pizza and just catching up a bit, then took a break to bath and get the kido’s in bed, stopping for a dance fest with Zoë in her new Christmas tutu pj’s with Chris on keys. We then savored small (mostly because we’d pigged out on pizza and had no room left) slices of this delectable dessert. Then the party really got heated up 😉
While I was trying to rock/feed Eliya into bedtime slumber zone, Céline fell asleep on the couch and I started dozing in the rocking chair (now this is the life of an aged woman such as myself!). The boys were whispering at the table trying to figure out the instructions to our new game. lol. We did manage to pull it together long enough for a round of our new game, Yatzee Free For All –which by the way was fun and comes highly recommeneded by this crowd. Overall a great night of great food and time spent with great friends. Couldn’t have asked for better and overdue for sure.
Reflecting on the gift of friendship…
I am blessed.
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