• When Snowmegeddon​​ Shuts Down Your City​ For Sabbath

    But we shouldn't feel so desperate at days' end. Desperate for sleep. Desperate for quiet. Desperate to read. Desperate to play. Desperate to just "be" with our loves for a bit. Desperate not to rush into tomorrow. Desperate to clean.…

  • Why Won’t My Grief Go Away?

    Courage and bravery don't come from denying fear and heartache; grief doesn't go away. Let the snotty tears, the wailing cries, the confusion, and the anger have their places, they aren't weaknesses, they are the birthing grounds for strength.

  • How To Make The Most of Your 30’s.

    As the world dresses in their finest and heads out for a night on the town with parties and fancy drinks my night looks slightly different, and exactly right for me. I’m snuggled up at home in my cozy jammies…

  • How To Be A Good Friend When Her Baby Dies

    Breathe. Hot, steamy water ran down my body, as I showered. My heart thudding in my chest, I recounted the details of the unexpected phone call I had just received. The message I hadn’t expected to hear. The message I…

  • When Your First Born Goes To Middle School

    Dear Firstborn, It’s been a month now, so I’ll be a little honest: the first back to school tears this year were mine. Yes, it was a week before school started, a little early, I know. Starting Middle School with…

  • Practically Perfect Pinterest Parenting

    My baby girl turned four in January. Four! My baby! How did this happen? Wasn’t it just yesterday her fuzzy peach hair tickled under my chin as she snuggled in for a snooze after a long feeding? Birthdays are hard;…

  • I Am

    “You are not enough.” The highway stretched long before us as dusk drew nearer.  She didn’t know what she’d said, actually, she didn’t know what I’d heard, and she kept talking. I was talking back but my mind and heart…

  • Are You Brave Enough To Sit In The Middle?

    The processing wheel spun on my cell phone as we waited for dinner to arrive at the restaurant. The night was sticky and hot, not a hint of a breeze in the air, the telltale smell of Haitian charcoal burning…

  • Will You Pray For Me?

    Determined, but quiet, she had followed him unnoticed, around the church grounds following Sunday service. He shook hands and connected with the men, offered up his cheek for a kiss from the women, encouraged the local Pastor and Elders and…