The Snow Day Witch
Let’s be honest about the Snow Day Witch.
She comes in the morning all pretty and lovely with big fluffy snowflakes glistening in the early morning light. The musical morning whisper “No school today, go back to sleep” is followed by hours upon hours of happy childhood play downstairs, interspersed with outdoor snowy fun- 4 beautiful little gifts under 10.
…while the Snow Day Witch cleans upstairs all. afternoon. long.
But as 4:30 approaches and the cries of hunger make their way to her ears, she notices that despite her best efforts the dog’s fur is still black, the Mom’s hair is still grey and black- more grey each day- and the Dad’s whiskers are still black, culminating with the dust billows blowing by the mountains of toys and wet mittens all. over. the. downstairs. fun.
…and Prince Charming is gallivanting across the countryside.
The threating sunset brings about a metamorphosis in the beautiful Snow Day Witch. Her once lovely countenance begins to twist and change, her singsongy voice deepens to a low growl and those mystical snowflakes become hard ice pellets pitched into the darkening day, dodged by those 4 monstrous little terrorists under 10.

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