to the central plateau!
A great day, filled with lots of laughter and hope.
Unfortunately my phone clock and alarm were not accurate this morning making me think I had an extra hour of prep time I didn’t have before we left the hotel. It was a good thing Lori stopped by my room to see why I didn’t come down for breakfast! So needless to say my granola bar came in handy for breakfast. What a beautiful hotel!
The streets were busier today, but Bernie and I both remained so excited to see all of the clean up in the streets the piles and piles of rubble and garbage from 2011’s visit are gone and the rows and rows of tent cities have decreased significantly. It does seem that everyone in Haiti is trying to sell something and the streets are lined with lots to look at as our drivers weave their way through the streets. I am reminded of how overwhelming the rows and rows and layers upon layers of housing up the mountain side can be.
We arrived at World Vision Headquarters to be addressed by some of the staff. It seems they think us Canadians need it cold and the air conditioning has all of us just shivering. We find it funny as we all search our suitcases for big heavy sweaters in Haiti! There are three excellent presentations, one concerning their Child Protection Policies, another from an absolutely hilarious Russian Security guard., he assured us that regardless of where we were, or what was going on “ I will get you out”. I believed him! As he described the layout of the city and the areas of extreme violence, precautions and restrictions on drivers and staff I felt I had a better appreciation for the justoposition we’ve seen between the media’s portrayal of Port au Prince, vs the reality we are exposed to. The poverty is very obvious, but the violence and carnality described by the media has just not been what we have seen. Now I understand the severity of different areas in the city, as opposed to others. I am now kicking myself that I didn’t get a picture of him! He said to us beginning his presentation “ I need you to know I have been married for 25 years, so I am used to interruptions.” I could have listened to him for hours talk about the many areas including Afghanistan, that he has been posted to Direct peace over the years. The National Director Jean Claude joined us to answer some questions we had and make introduction and the every friendly face Paul-Emile entered the room.
When we were in the earthquake we wondered if World Vision staff knew where we were, or could even get to us, we wondered for 24 hours how long we would wait before someone found us, and then 24 hrs after the earthquake we saw Paul Emile’s beaming face come through the court yard, after walking over an hour through the city to try to get to us. “ You are alive! You are well!” His smile and hugs are forever etched in my mind. To see him coming through the door today brought that moment back. He has such a beautiful spirit and I will forever pray for him and his family.
The team wanted him to relay his experience in the earthquake. As Paul-Emile told his story I was brought to tears. But what is most moving is the hope that he has for his country and people and his faith in God. He talked about how there are 3 types of people after a tragedy: those who never move forward, those who deny what happened and those who find healing and hope for tomorrow. He talked about knowing each kind. His faith in God working through such tragedy is overwhelming and beautiful.
From Headquarters we went to lunch and shared many laughs. Some team members prove to have quite a sense of humor! Our translator Ingrid is in stiches much of the time listening to us talk and interact., taking pictures of the massive 1 glass pop bottles , gekos etc. She is fun to join our convoy.
We begin the long convoy to the Central Plateau, but this time in very comfortable vehicles with seatbelts even! Bernie and I joke that this group is getting royal treatment.
We arrive at our hotel close to 5:30pm and are immediately struck by the huge expansion they are working on. We joke if we will get a choice between the rooms with the goats or roosters for back ground soundtrack. I have an upstairs room this time and am thrilled to see that the massive spiders seem to be abiding some where other than my room.
Supper has more laughs, this is a fun team to travel with and I look forward to getting to know them all a little more. As we begin to discuss tomorrow’s adventures I am ready to put all of the travel behind us and begin to see how the projects have developed and talk to the people. As I sit here quietly tonight and think on the day I am reminded again at what an outstanding organization World Vision is, and how they truly are assisting communities to be self sustaining with a better future and hope for tomorrow. These people are so beautiful, I wish everyone had the opportunity I have had to meet them and fall in love with them.
Unfortunately a dinosaur grasshopper creature awaited me on my bed when I got back from supper. I explained to him I really did not want to share my bed with a stranger but he appeared not to care. Thankfully Bernie was passing by my open door as I discussed what to do about our disagreement and carried the massive creature outside. I do notice my geko roommate at the ceiling and pray he will stay there the night.
Tonight I wish to kiss my Nathaniel’ s sweet cheeks and snuggle my baby girls.
To tomorrow….
Travel to Port au Prince
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