We Are Beautiful Together

She rounded the corner tall and elegant, looking to see where I might be seated. We had waiting all morning to get to see each other again. I was watching for her too, and attempting to stay in my seat as she made her way towards me. I was nervous and a bit awkward, surely, she would recognize me, but would she be shy or would she be playful and feisty as she had been in our children’s programming 3 years ago?

She slowly walked towards me in a long black and white lace dress, her hair was done up very carefully, a respectful smile on her face. Behind her followed her mother and brother.  Last time we’d met, in 2013, her mother and I had shared stories of our rambunctious 18 month old boys. I was so excited to meet him.

She had grown so much in the last 3 years; I was overwhelmed at the privilege of witnessing it.  I pulled out the photo album from the bag I had brought for her and opened it wide.  “Who is this?” I pointed to our first picture together in 2011, 7 years ago. She giggled and pointed to herself.  “Look how little you were!” I point her out. She was thrilled to see a picture of herself.

“Do you remember this?” I point to the next picture taken of the two of us, 2013. She smiles and nods her head yes.  I flip the page. “Do you remember my daughter Zoe?”  I point at the picture of the two of them hugging each other from 2015.

She nods her head yes and her mother starts laughing. “Is that Zoe?” she asks, “At the Centre of Hope? She talks about her constantly. She was even practicing her English on her dad last night in hopes that she will be able to talk to her again.”

“Really? My Zoe talks about you all the time too!” Somehow, I’m still surprised to think we’ve made that much impact on Makayla’s life.

We lean in for a picture together; another one for the album she insists. Makayla wraps her arm around me but her mother reaches across her and grabs my other hand. She squeezes it hard and I know.  We are unified by our desire to see her daughter do well, two mothers wanting the best for a child. My family and her family ensuring she has all she needs to follow her dreams.

Sunday dawns and we go to church, there is nothing quite like Haitian church, the loud music and boisterous singing, youth choirs, children’s choirs, heat that pools sweat and finds cloths raised high in hallelujah’s before wiping a brow dry.

Following church, we went out to the Centre of Hope for youth presentations. A very special place for me. A place God whispered to my heart about our own Canadian youth; a place I saw a dream realized as we brought our youth together with theirs and had children’s programing, playing and connecting for 3 straight days.

As we entered the Centre I looked up and saw Makayla, grinning from ear to ear and waving at me.  “Why is she here?” I asked. What a treat to see her two days in a row!  I discover that now that she’s 13 she’s part of the travelling drama to teach values to the community.  I am so proud of her and walk right over for a hug. We are both more comfortable in this environment together.

As she presents I notice her watching me, making certain I’m watching her, taking pictures of her, just like I would with my own at home.  She knows she is special to me and my eyes are only on her.  The presentations are outstanding, truly outstanding, violinists, cellists, drama, dancers, the talent and potential is overwhelming.

Following the presentations Jenn and Marco from World Vision want to interview me and as we are setting up Makayla walks by. She notices me and walks right over and sits on my lap, wrapping her arm around my waist. She motions to Marco, we are together. She asks that we have our picture taken again together, points at the picture and says in her broken English “we are beautiful together.”

What a gift this sponsorship of now eight years, has been to me. Through it, not only have I helped a family in Haiti ensure this young woman has had proper nutrition, clean water and education but my heart has been stretched as I’ve been gifted a very special relationship with a young woman I otherwise would have never met. The truth is that she is right, we are beautiful together.

Why not open your heart and sponsor a child in Haiti along with us? You can do so here: http://partner.worldvision.ca/FreddyLink/